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Unsolicited Testimonials from Buyers and Sellers

RVclassified and the RV Classified Marketing Network and its affiliate web sites have been providing classified ads for all types of recreational vehicles on the Internet since 1995. Below are some of the unsolicited comments we have received about the web site.

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

This web site did the job. My entire family said I was crazy to bother advertising on the web. I found this site priced reasonably and quickly sold our 30ft travel trailer. We received continuous inquiries and sold it quickly to a buyer five states away. Of course a reasonable price always helps. But your site is fantastic.

Richard J Castellano
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

The sale of our motorhome was the DIRECT result of your service--a family 500 miles away saw the ad and drove out and bought our motorhome. There would have been no other way for us to reach them. The variety of pictures that you allow plus the generous space for "description" place you far above any other internet site. We are delighted at how quickly we sold our unit, and would recommend you to everyone!!!!

Walter and Nancy Joyce
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Attempted classified newspapers in major and local markets with almost no response. Also attempted sale through consignment for 4-5 weeks with no results. Found your site through attempts to "find out what is on the net" and decided on spur of moment to give you a try. Just over 24 hrs later, I began to get email and phone calls. The coach sold before I could get a photo inserted in the listing. (Not your fault.) Coach sold for asking price, and at time of sale, three buyers wanted the unit. I like your value for the services you provide.

The company who had the rig for "consignment" has asked for your net address. I am suggesting that my dealer contact you also.

Tom venable,
email [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Incredible..We sold our RV in just 3 days.

Tom Sykes
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Wow! I am totally satisfied! Your online ad produced a 3-1 response ratio over a newspaper classified ad I was running. And the RV Classified buyers were good motivated buyers. Your turn around time to my additional photo submissions was outstanding. Your service was outstanding. Your service is HIGHLY recommended.

Larry Pollman
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Service was great. I had put my RV on consignment for 2 months with a RV dealer with no luck. I sold my RV in less than two weeks with your service!

Mike Dixon
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: NO

I had 186 hits and several calls about the unit. The service was wonderful especially the "instant" help with posting pictures to the ad.

Thanks a million.
Paul Edenfield
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

I can't believe the response we had to this ad. We only had Motor Home Advertised for 1-week and sold it in just 7 days. I would highly recommend RVclassified to anyone that "Wants to sell quickly"

Thanks very much!
Don Mills
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

This is the second (2) RV I have sold on RV classified and I have purchased one unit. All of this in the past 12 months. Got my asking price on both units and sold both units within three (3) weeks of getting the listing on RV class. It pays to get photos into the AD. Do not take for granted that the prospective buyer knows "all there is to know" about RV's. TELL THEM!! Great service you have. I am now looking for my NEXT RIG. Of course, I am searching RV classified.

Tom Venable
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES


THANKS ALOT !!!!!!!!!
Robert Deroo
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: NO

Great service, wish I had done this much earlier. My RV dealer finally found a local buyer, but it took a much longer time, and I was starting to get many responses from your service. I would have gone this way first if I had it to do again.

Michael Stabile
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Selling a motorhome on the internet was better than dealing with any dealer. We had taken our coach to the place where we purchased it to put it on consignment. They must have worked NOT to sell it. We went to pick it up, then placed the ad on the internet. (A suggestion made by one of their salespeople) We have sold it to a great couple who will enjoy it as much as we did.

Thank you!!!
Bart F. Rinker
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Thank you for allowing us to advertise our fifth wheel. We've been trying to sell it for over a year. We tried several other sites before a friend referred us to this site.

Again, thanks a million.
Rich & Tilly Lacy
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: NO

Although I did get a lot of responses from your site, the purchaser found my coach on another site where I had it listed. I feel your ad site was the best, it had the most pictures, and painted a better overall view of my coach for the purchaser.

Thank you.
Gary Schonne
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Thank you for your service. It was a real source of help in selling our RV.

Sarah Duran
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

We had many calls from all over the USA and Canada. We are in Florida and the man that purchased our bus came from New Mexico.

Thank you for your service.

Ronald Darlow
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: NO

Though the sale was accomplished from a paper ad, I was quite impressed by the service and the images of the RV we were selling. We did have someone from our area (Colorado) see your ad and came to see the did not sell at that time, but I think you have a pretty neat service for the price asked..... keep up the good work!

Ron Woerpel
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

I found this the best way to sell my Camper and was happy with the response that I got.

Thank you,
Harold Shaw
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: NO

I think you do a remarkable service for a reasonable price. I was lucky enough to complete the sale to a friend who did not know I had intended to sell.

Chester L. Jones
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

This service was the best I've ever used. I sold my RV in only a few days and had many more responses than ever expected. Thank You very much. I will recommend your site to everyone.

Antony Hodges
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

10 inqueries, 6 visits to inspect, 1 sale.

Ed Wood

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Thank you for the ad, thanks to the ad we sold our motorhome in about two months time, we had a lot of hits on the web site, and a lot of calls. Thanks once again for the site and helping us sell our coach.

Nancy Rawls
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

The service was great!!

Everett H. Boyd
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Found RVClassified to be very helpful in the sale of our motorhome. Also, being able to see what the "going price" was for a similar unit let us know we were in the ballpark. Many thanks for a great site!

Sandra Brown
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Very really generate results...Thanks

Don Daly
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES



I have already recommended your site to several people. Feel free to use my testimonial.

Robert Deroo
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

I was very satisfied with your services.

Bob Martel
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Very pleased with your service. It sold our rv!

Suzanne A. Cobb
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Thanks for a job well done. I received several calls and one of them resulted in the sale of my motorhome. You provide a great service, for a great price.

Thanks again.
Cecile Jones
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: NO

I feel that RV classified was a valuable tool that helped me to sell my motorhome. Although I did not sell it to someone who found it in RV classified (I had several calls and e-mails, and 3 people actually came to see it), the listing was useful in that I could refer people to the site to look at pictures I posted there. The buyer saw an ad I placed in a New England weekly called the Want Ad.

Joel Schneid
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

I have tried to go in and edit our ad but what I thought to be my name and password didn't work. Anyway, we sold our RV and I was going to remove
the ad. Is there anyway you could remove the ad for me? By the way, we sold the RV through this ad. The ad worked GREAT!

Joan Hannon
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

I had numerous inquires because of this ad from all over the united states.

Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Great service. This is the second vehicle I've sold, using RVClassified.

Joe Griffith
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

It took a while, but we did sell the unit through this ad. We thank you very much, and will keep you in mind should we decide to get back into an RV

Dan Collier
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Dear Webmaster,

I have been trying to delete this ad without any success. (l988 Fleetwood Bounder - Texas) The delete says that the name and password are incorrect even though I just used them about 3 weeks ago to change this ad. Don't know what the problem is but we do wish to have this ad deleted since the motorhome was sold this weekend. Thank you for your help. This was the 2nd motorhome you were able to help us sell this year. What a great service!

Linda Delaney
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: NO

We had more response to our ad with RVclassified than with any other ad medium we used.

Thank you.
Dallas Engler
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

We were very satisfied with all the response we got from the ad. For the price and length of time this is the only way to advertise. If we have something else to sell in the future we will do it again.

Thank you.
Gene Bradley
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Great web site. We received a lot of responses from buyers all over the country.

Jeff Talbott
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Good Value for the time & money spent: Over one half dozen eager sales leads. We could have sold two or three more, if we owned them.

Brenda and Jerry Lopez
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

This is a great service. I sold my rv in 3 weeks.

Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

I got a lot of response from this ad. Give it time and it does work. It pays to put the photos in, inside and outside.

Vivian Peloquin
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Worked great !!

Rex Boerner
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

I want to thank you for your service. My camper trailer was sold one day after placing the ad. I waited to delete the ad until everything was finalized. This was
the easiest thing I ever sold.

Gene P. Breaux
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Got many inquiries. Most never owned an RV. People came from all over, Buffalo, NY, Columbia, Georgia, etc. Everyone wants to get a super deal. It took a while but finally someone from Va. bought it and it was gone in 2 hours.

Thanks for the service!

Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

I have a motor home listed and this unit has sold. Thank you for your fine listing, will recommend to anyone that is trying to sell. Please remove this from your files. Thank you

Larry Collins
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Everything was just Great. The couple that bought the 5th wheel saw it on RVclassified and bought it the same day they drove down from Tennessee to see it.

Thank You
Monie Beal Maner
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: NO

Your service is impeccable. Unfortunately, the unit was sold through another medium. Thank you so much for your professional service.

Sam Black
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

I got 4 responses in 2 months and sold it to the 2nd responder. This is definitely the way to go. I got twice the responses as I did on a $125 local ad!

Jim Johnson
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

It was sold within 24 hours after placing the ad. thank you very much for being available for our use

Don Ringheisen
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Turn off the bubble machine

I sold my 28' 1995 Safari Trek at my asking price. But I'm still getting many responses. Please cancel my ad or put a "sold" sign on it. I tried to do it myself but I forgot my password.

Thanks, Al Schmidt
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Listed with 3 on-line systems. Yours produced the most contacts and resulted in a sale within less than a week.

David Entrekin
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Very good results. Vehicle was sold in a little over a week after the ad was placed.

Rick Peek
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

I got more responses from the internet than I did in our local newspaper. I was very impressed!

Douglas Tjader
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES


Jack Mahler
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: NO

You have a very good service, I received many responses.

Thank you.
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

I didn't think it would actually help listing on-line. To my surprise I sold my unit 6 months after listing.

Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: NO

Thank you very much for your service. Although, I sold my RV in the local newspaper, I had a large amount of response from this site. The service you offer is outstanding and everyone was very helpful. I hope to use your site again.

Bob Griggs
[email protected]


Am eternally grateful to you for your website. We just bought the "Dream Machine" we always wanted, at a terrific price, from nice people.

Thanks so very much!

Pat & Steve Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES



An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Lots of response from around the WORLD! Cheapest way to sell a motorhome ever!

J.R. McCooey
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Its a seller!

Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Great service and I got lots of hits.


Joe Bourgraf
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: NO

We received many responses thru your web site, but the purchaser read our ad in the paper. However, we would use your service in the future

Sincerely, Joe LeBlanc
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

The addition of the photo sold the trailer! thank you!

willi voss
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Good Job I like that you can e-mail pictures to you for listing . KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.

Thanks jt

Jack Trumbla
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

I received a lot of calls because of your add.


Jim Smith
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Great, the inquiries came from as far away as Connecticut. If I need to sell one again, I'll definitely use you.

George Gavaletz
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

It worked! According to the buyer, the photos are what really sell the vehicle. Based on the photos, the buyer was prepared to purchase on arrival. Thanks for
the excellent service.

Rich Ruggiero
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

My first listing was a successful sale. Took a little less than the asking price, but then that is usually expected. Will soon have another motorhome to list for sale. Will likely add it to your listings. THANKS!!

Philip W. Myers
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: NO

Thanks loads. We did get a lot of response because of our ad with RV Classified. We appreciate the service. It did sell, but through an ad in the paper.

Gary Hayes
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

My ad with RVclassified was the only advertisement I had to sell my Motorhome and within 30 days I made the sale for the asking price. Great way to get buyers and sellers together and that's the name of the game.

Thanks again

Jim Moody
Email: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

This service worked perfect for us. After several months of newspaper ads, this unit sold in a couple of weeks on the internet.


An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Very user-friendly; webmaster(s) accommodating and helpful;

Karen Costello [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

This is the second rv and truck I have sold on this web site in the past two months. Mine and my neighbors. Thanks.

[email protected]

Please delete the ad for the 22' O'day sailboat in Illinois, Category sailboats. We are INCREDIBLY pleased with the response of this ad. In just a few short weeks we were able to get an overwhelming response to our boat! A few email messages and a phone call, then, Walla! She sold!!! We made someone happy and we could not be happier ourselves. Bravo! Keep up the good work.

Dave and Julie Solliday
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

We received a few emails because of our ad placed with RVclassified. The first person that came to look at our camper bought it.

[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Thank you so much for providing a place on the web that draws such a great audience! My Father-In-Law needed to sell his motorhome and was having a difficult time. The coach needed a fair amount of work and just the right buyer. RV Classified found that buyer and I must say, I cannot believe just how many inquiries we had! I sell web pages on the internet and wish that I could get my clients the visibility that www.rvclassified has. Now I'm placing another ad for his 2nd motorhome.

Greg Steinorth
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Works well ..will not hesitate to place add again. I find this method through RV classified very efficient

Yvon Dupaul
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Well, you guys do a great job! I sold my truck camper in just a couple days! Sure beats advertising locally....and much cheaper too. Anyway, please remove my ad (Shasta 1990) from your list. Many thanks for doing such a nice layout with the additional photos. I will certainly remember you in the future.....J. Clayton

[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

The service was great.. had the webmaster lighten picture and he did with no hassle.

[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

I heard about RVClassified from a friend. What a terrific service you have for those of us who want or need to sell our motorhomes. We weren't bothered with a lot of "lookers", only serious ones and were able to sell our coach after one month of advertising with you. Thank you for your assistance. P.S. We'll be placing another ad to sell my mother's Bounder during this next week. We hope to have the same great results with it. We'll also be passing on the word about your web page to other interested parties.

[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Thanks. Could not have been better!

Jeffrey Lawson
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Delighted with service

Walter Schweikert
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

To my delight due to your site I have sold my motorhome. I thank you for your time and the valuable usefulness that your site has provided. In the future I shall recommend your site to anyone needing to sell a vehicle such as we did.

Thank you,
Dan Stadt
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

It worked for me! Trailer was sold within two months.

Al Rodriguez [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

I had wonderful results, many , many contacts. I would use your services again. Thank You, Ken Jones

Ken Jones
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: NO

Although I did not sell my trailer through your service, I did buy my next one through it. It's a great service. Thank you!

Mr. Marvin V. Shogren
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

The service works very well. Thanks!

John Bunnell
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

The service was great. I feel good ad space, time, for the price. I really feel like you, that the photos help with the sale. Web site was easy to navigate around in. I would recommend this service to anyone wishing to list an ad.

Paul Lair
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

I sold my motorhome in 3 days to the 2nd person that responded to my ad on RV Classified,Inc. Sure beats the cost of expensive classified ads in newspapers! Great service. Keep up the good work! Ed Jenkins Chapel Hill NC

[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

You provide a great service, I'm more than happy I discovered it. Keep up the good work.

Carl Bennett
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES


[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

A very good service. We received many calls from all over the US. Thank you

Carl Menefee
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: NO

I received many inquiries about our RV from your site. Was pleased with the results even though we sold it to someone local. Thanks again.

Sheila Rollins
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: NO

Decided not to sell our R.V., but got plenty of exposure and phone calls because of R.V. classified on the internet.

Peter Cospito
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Even though it took a while to sell my motorhome it sold thanks to your service. Thank you, Gary

Gary Buttram
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

This service worked perfect for us. After several months of newspaper ads, this unit sold in a couple of weeks on the internet.


An RVclassifed Sale: YES

RV sold to the first people who looked at it. Would have sold within a week if we had been able to show it sooner. Your service got results. We have eight people we have to tell that the motor home is sold. Thanks for your help.

Jim Zahniser
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Thanks for the service. We frankly were a bit skeptical that we would sell it through RV classified, but were pleasantly surprised.

Hugh Wheeler
[email protected]

A very good service. We received many calls from all over the US. Thank you

[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: NO

Decided not to sell our R.V., but got plenty of exposure and phone calls because of R.V. classified on the internet.

Peter Cospito
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Please discontinue my camper ad. The camper sold within 2 weeks!

1997 Coleman Bayport

Sandra Pfau Englund
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Thanks for listing my motorhome...We sold it in three days!

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Hi, Thank you very much for this web site. I sold my pop up tent trailer thru your page. Can you please remove my add. It was the 1995 dutchman pop up tent trailer. It was listed at $2700. The add instructed people to contact Stacy.

Thanks again.

stacy boeskin
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Please delete my add. I received 2 responses one of which bought the motorcycle. Motorcycle, 1991-Honda XR250L, price $1700, CA


[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

I received 2 calls on my ad (1994 Sierra 5th Wheel with 1989 Ford F-250 truck). The first one purchased my rig. And to top it off they only lived 2 blocks away!! Thanks for this web site, I will definitely be using it again.

Barbara Conner
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Thanks for your service. We had approximately 20 responses to our ad, and sold it successfully in less than 2 months.

Carol & Ned
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

The jetski has sold thanks to your site on the internet!!!

Please delete the following add:
Category: Jetskis
State: CA
Yr/make/model: 92 Yamaha 650 SuperJet Jetski
e-mail: [email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Please DELETE my ad under 'Travel Trailers', in Colorado, for a "1985 26 ft Airstream Sovereign and..." My Airstream sold via a response to your ads that came just 3 days after posting. Great job!

Thank you very much.

-- Rick Grossman
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Just a note to say that our RV sold 3 days after the photo was added to our ad. Travel Trailer, Oregon 1982 Aljo Aly bunkhouse in Beaverton.
We are very pleased with doing business with the rv classified.

Thanks for your help!

Jeff & Kathleen
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Thanks a bunch your site made it possible to sell our 1984 Southwind Motor Home.

Thanks again!
Rich & Nancy
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

I wanted to thank you for the web site to advertise my trailer. I sold it last Sunday to a guy all the way from Florida and was able to purchase my new 5th wheel. Keep up the good work.

Thanks again,

Clayton Jones
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Please delete add for 1967 Chevrolet Corvette, 327/300 HP, placed in Antique/Classic Car Category, state of NY, asking price was $23,900. We are happy to say that we received an immediate response and the car has been sold!!

Thank you again for your effort it did the trick!!

Helen Prusak
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Category: Motorhome
State: VA
Vehicle: 1994 Winnebago, Brave

The add worked great. Within a week after posting we had a call
and sold the camper. Thanks for this service.

Brad Smith
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

I sold the 1982 Aljo Aly 24.5 bunkhouse in Beaverton Oregon. Please remove the ad for me. Thanks for the help. The first query bought it!

Jeff Booren/Kathleen Ayres
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Success I have sold my boat , within 5 weeks thanks to your web site would you be so kind as to delete my add under- powerboat state- New Hampshire
make & model--1987 formula w/ eagle trailer

Wayne J. Gansor
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Sailboat/California/1985 Catalina 22

Thanks to your service, a buyer was located. Thanks. If you're ever in Merced, Ca., come by and I'll buy you a beer!


An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Please delete my ad, the motorhome sold through this ad - thanks alot!!

Class C Motorhome
1987 Coachmen Leprechaun

Jeff Hambrice
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Please delete my ad.
Category: Snowmobile
State: Wisconsin
1996 Arctic Cat Z440
[email protected]

Thank you
Brian Heller

P.S. had 3 responses and sold it to one of them. Thank you.

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Good News,

The Motorhome was sold from an Internet add. I don't know if it was from your site or the other site I posted or the newsgroup (Local) I used. I think your site is great! I'll let you know if it was your site that sold it, if I find out.


[email protected]
(YEAR) 1990
(MAKE) Jamee
(MODEL) 2002

Follow up a few days later:

It *was* your site

Greetings again,

This is just to inform you that it WAS your site that sold the Motorhome. The other site, (name deleted) let my ad expire (after only 21 days) without notifying me and it didn't have photo capabilities. Yours is the best.

Thanks again,

Dave Pfaffle
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Dear RV Classified, I just sold my motorcoach. The buyer found it on your site (:->) Thank you for a job well done. The ad was posted about one week!

Would you please remove the ad :

Mileage : 51,000
Year : 1987
Make : Blue Bird
Length : 35
Price : $ 89,000
Model : Wanderlodge

Thank you so much.

[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

I wish to thank you for your web site. My motorhome just sold today thanks to your site. It took less the one month to sell the unit and I got two firm offers.

Again thanks, and your site really does work.

Jim Burczyk - Ad Id 1782
[email protected]

An RVclassifed Sale: YES

Thanks to your Web site I found a buyer for my fifth wheel last Sunday and we completed the sale today. A man from out of state was looking specifically for a Lance . Thanks again.

Jack Parker
[email protected]


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